Have questions? We’re here to help!

We want both you and your kids to feel confident in their Social-Emotional Learning journey. Our small-but-mighty team is ready to work hard, bring you answers, and inspire your learning. We can’t wait to hear from you!

As SEL teaches us, communication is key. To help, we’ve answered your most common questions below. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to our team, and we’ll be there to help

What is SEL?

It’s exactly what it sounds like! It is the development of social and emotional skills, or in other words, learning how to effectively relate to others and express oneself. Overall, SEL focuses on five core competencies for success:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision-Making

What are some examples of
Social-Emotional skills?

Expressing feelings, compassion, listening to others, conflict resolution, anger management, awareness of other people’s feelings, compromising, making friends, positive self-image, selfcontrol, honesty, respect, asking for help, apologizing, forgiveness, empathy, thoughtfulness, resiliency, tolerance, assertiveness, creativity, humility, leadership, patience, integrity, generosity, motivation, resourcefulness, responsibility, reliability.

Why do we need The Guiding Light Education Company and MindSpark Kids?

We are entering a new age of parenting and educating children. Our eyes are open more than ever to the inequalities and injustices in our world. Awareness of racism, gender inequality, queer rights, poverty, and social, political, and environmental issues is at an all-time high. In other words, we’ve heard the wake-up call. The world needs to change, and many of us are ready to step up to that challenge.

Technological and communication advancements have given us more access to information than ever before, making it more challenging to find the right resources. Childhood education was hard and rigid in the past, but today, experts emphasize gentle and kind practices.

Focusing on Social-Emotional Learning, The Guiding Light Company offers the perfect tool to implement SEL in both the classroom and at home. Simple, direct, and to-the-point Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) resources that engage students of all ages are exactly what is needed to tackle tough and sensitive subjects and create resiliency, confidence, and compassion.

Who are the resources for?

The resources are for educators, mental health professionals, parents, and caregivers to use as tools with the children and teens in their lives!

When should I start using them?

When they are ready — it’s never too early! Each child is unique, and their learning abilities and experiences will indicate when it’s time. Often, a child will start talking about their feelings about certain subjects and start asking questions. Don’t be afraid to educate them early in an encouraging environment. Our resources are simple and easy to digest!

Our Social-Emotional Learning app categorizes certain interests by: Little Kids (4-9) Big Kids + Teens (10+ or higher maturity level)

How do they help?

Knowledge is power. At The Guiding Light Company, we believe that providing children with the facts brings them halfway to healing from harmful past ways of thinking! Shame has no place here.

Our video scripts and tools are tailored so that children have the words to describe big emotions and issues. We encourage inclusivity, build resiliency, and challenge negative belief systems. They provide positive examples of how to handle negative thoughts, emotions, and actions. Sharing these tools in the classroom and at home fosters self-regulation and social awareness while creating a generation of open-minded people ready to thrive in their later years.

Our videos, songs, and meditations can be used to encourage and calm various age groups. Our worksheets provide valuable opportunities to exhibit compassion, strengthen self-awareness, learn to make good decisions, and solve problems.

Who is behind The Guiding Light Education Company?

Our tools and resources are developed by a team of parents, educators, mental health experts, and doctors. Together with a team of talented illustrators and designers, we create fun and engaging Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) resources for children of all ages.

What is MindSpark Kids?

MindSpark Kids is a Social-Emotional Learning subscription service that makes it easy for parents, mental health professionals, educators, and caregivers to teach SEL. As a member, you’ll get instant access to explainer videos, meditations, printable worksheets, and more.

Is it safe and appropriate for my children?

With SoEmo, you are in full control. You can create a child profile, and choose the topics and resources you want to give them access to. How you use the app is totally up to you! There are no ads, making it safe and appropriate for your children.

How do I set up a child account, and how can my child login?

When you are logged in, you can create a child profile, and choose the topics and resources you want to give them access to.

How many child profiles can I set up?

You can set up to 5 child profiles.

I forgot my password. What do I do?

Please click or tap on the forgot your password link on the user sign in page. A password reset email will be sent to the email address associated with your account. Please check your spam or junk mail folder and wait 15 minutes before contacting us for help at admin@guidinglightco.com.

Is there a MindSpark app for educators?

Great news — our app can be used by educators! If your school is interested in obtaining a bulk school license with multiple logins, please reach out to us at hello@guidinglightco.com.

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email we send to you. You can cancel your subscription anytime! You will only receive emails pertinent to your subscription when you unsubscribe.

How do I update my payment method?

You can update your payment method by selecting My Account when you are logged in.

Can I get a refund for any a la carte printables I’ve downloaded?

No, these items are non-refundable.

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